Thursday, November 1, 2012

CMC vs. FtF Communication?

I feel that FtF communication is a richer form of communication rather than using CMC. In unit 6, Thurlow describes, "that online communication cannot really be social and certainly not a social as 'proper' or 'normal' communication-which usually means FtF communication" (p.70). With some degree I agree with this statement. I believe that FtF communication is a more proper way to conduct business, but I understand the CMC is useful when dealing with businesses across seas. Although I probably use CMC more than FtF communication due to the amount technology that makes my job easier; however I do prefer FtF contact.

When dealing with CMC its easy to feel less inhibited by social conventions and some individuals feel the need to let their hair down and type what they want in emails, chat rooms or Facebook. It's this feeling of anonymity that can cause problems when conducting business and when building relationships. But some individuals feel their online relationships are better then their offline relationships probably because they can monitor their impression management and only post things that make themselves look better to others. I too would like my online relationships if I looked good 99% of the time but we all know that no one is perfect. Therefore, I prefer conducting business and talking with my friends using FtF contact.

Thurlow, C., Lengel , L., & Tomic, A. (2007). Computer mediated communication social interaction and the internet . London, England: Sage Publication

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